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Over 1 million people undergo laser eye surgery each year. While the vast majority of these patients are pleased with the outcome of the procedure, approximately 50,000 suffer vision complications, many debilitating.

Critics charge the laser eye surgery industry, also known as "LASIK," with putting profits ahead of quality treatment. To be sure, most doctors who perform the procedure are reputable and well trained. Unfortunately, with the intense competition to win patients, many clinics have reduced prices to levels that are unsustainable. In order to recoup lost revenues, laser clinics are forced to schedule dozens of procedures each day, potentially compromising the safety of the patient. The result? Five percent of those who undergo LASIK will suffer from a reduction in vision, dry eyes, inflammation, or difficulty in driving at night because of sensitivity to glare. While often temporary, some of these adverse outcomes may be permanent.

Laser eye surgery takes about fifteen minutes. The doctor cuts a flap on the front of the eye, moving it out of the way in order to access the cornea. The doctor then reshapes the cornea in order to correct the vision problem.

It is the seemingly simple and fast paced nature of the procedure that entices many patients to seek out laser eye surgery. However, as with any medical procedure, there can be complications, and despite lengthy consent forms, many patients do not appreciate the risks.

With the increasing number of LASIK related errors, many disgruntled patients are turning to the courts for compensation. Over 100 medical malpractice lawsuits have been filed, with some patients winning hundreds of thousands of dollars against negligent doctors and clinics.

If you or a loved one is in need of legal assistance, call The Law Office of Kenneth N. Margolin, P.C. at (617) 641-9600 or toll free (800) 239-2412 or submit an online questionnaire. The initial consultation is free of charge, and if we agree to handle your case, we will work on a contingency fee basis, which means we get paid for our services only if there is a monetary recovery of funds. In many cases, a lawsuit must be filed before an applicable expiration date, known as a statute of limitations. Please call right away to ensure that you do not waive your right to possible compensation.

This website is intended to provide information about the Law Office of Kenneth N., Margolin, P.C. , and is not intended to provide legal advice, nor is it a substitute for legal counsel. Contacting us or submitting a case description does not create an attorney-client relationship. We will attempt to answer all inquiries, but are under no legal obligation to do so. Compliance with all notice requirements and statutes of limitations remains your sole responsibility. An attorney-client relationship with us cannot be created by telephone or email, but only by a written retainer agreement signed by both attorney and client.

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